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4 tips to get more out of social media 

1. Analyse your competitor
2.Follow the latest trends 
3.Stay up-to-date 
4.Be active on social channels 

1. Analyse your competitor: First of all You need to find out what your competitors are doing and what response they are getting from audience 

2.Follow the latest trends :You need to follow the new trends what are people are searching for and what things are viral at the time.

3.Stay up-to-date : stay up-to-date with the new tech for ex you need to change your strategies according to the new trends what people are following
for ex: Apple lanced there new phone x which have noch on top and people like the design and you should also follow this trend with more effective way

4.Be active on social channels : You need to active at your social channels so that your follower can see your activities on the social channels if you donot post regular your follower will be get low due to non updating on Social channels 

The truth of News channels Today

Two back to back resignations have happened in the ABP News recently. Well known journalist Punya Prasun Bajpai and managing editor of the channel Milind Khandekar have resigned. Another popular journalist Abhisar Sharma has been sent on a leave for 15 days. What are the actual reasons why it all happened? See the truth in this video! Punya Prasun Bajpai has revealed some shocking facts. He was popular for his news show called Masterstroke at 9-10 pm. Many people faced blackouts while watching his show.

Blogger is the best way to start your blog free

But with blogger there are some problem with domain name its looks too big and not professional with in domain but they also gives us the option to add custom domain to your blog 

First You have to buy your domain

This is most important that you need a active custom domain without domain name you cant add a custom domain .Some peoples think they just need to add their name of website in custom domain website but this is not true You have to firstly buy a domain and after only that you can access this function ..
There are many Websites to BUY DOMAIN 

The setup Process

In this step you need to setup DNS settings
  1. go to
  2. Select settings 
  3. on the basic option you will able to see Blog address
  4. Change that to the custom domain
  5. set the nameservers settings and NameLabel, or Host setting 
  6. After 3-4 hour you will able to see your domain working .

if all things go according to this steps then you will able to see your domain working properly
any error ? 
then something went wrong 

Try to see all the settings have done correctly !! 

The most important rule everyone needs to keep heed is to protect your personal information always to lessen your possibility of identity theft. It is highly recommended to support apt security on your computers, laptops and other electronic devices. Many of you may not be aware of the fact that sharing your personal information with an unknown party online can harm your reputation badly. Here’s how to browse the Internet securely without disclosing anything!

1. Don’t Click On Any Unexpected Links

You might receive crafted messages via emails in your inbox or come across a link on any portal you visit, which tells click here. Such criminals try to entice the users to open an attachment so that they can infect your PC or laptop. You’re advised not to click on those links at all.

2. Never Reuse Your Main Email Password

Make sure not to reuse your main password twice or thrice. Your email account tends to get hacked by a criminal once they find out where they can find your personal data easily including your personal address, mobile number, banking, passport details, etc. That’s why reset your password within every few months’ time with a fresh one.

3. Use Different Passwords On Different Websites

People are now having several online accounts and they have a tendency to use the password of their email account on every account they use. They also tend to use simple passwords that can be attacked trickily by the hackers and this may create a severe problem for them only. Use a different strong password on different sites for your safety sake.

4. Use Anti-Virus Software

While browsing the internet, you can check any number of websites that are safe and unsafe. Your PC or laptop will be bombarded with viruses and destroy them fully if you do not have anti-virus software updated on it. Use any of the best premium antivirus suites like Kaspersky, Quickheal, BitDefender, F-Secure for yearly or two-yearly that will block the malware from attack, and again renew them.

5. If In Any Doubt, Block

You just need to say no with a decline to any of the social media invitations you receive, such as connection request on Facebook, LinkedIn or any other site from the people you absolutely do not know. Don’t fall prey to those unwanted requests.

6. Think Before Tweeting & Sharing

You need to think cautiously before tweeting anything on social media. Never share your current status of traveling details or any other personal stuff. Criminals can track you instantly from there and harass you personally in an indirect way through your sources only not known to you.

7. Shop Online Only On Secure Sites

Before you shop by entering your card details, make sure the online shopping site is secure and its internet address is https, not http. Log-in to https retail site only; otherwise exit out. Many online deals websites like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, etc. are very conscious about their personal client data security.

8. Set Up A ‘Wipe Your Phone’ Feature

Few smartphones have features like Android Lost, Find My iPhone or Blackberry allows the owners to erase all their personal data remotely if their device is lost or stolen by chance. A wipe feature can easily safeguard your information from falling into wrong person’s hands.

9. Ignore Pop-Ups

Many online sites have pop-ups and if you allow them, they will make a download in the background that will install malware. Pop-ups consist of malicious software; so ignore those offerings like website surveys on e-commerce sites as they may contain malcode and cause danger.

10. Be Alert Of Public Wi-Fi

If you’re using public Wi-Fi, make sure you don’t attempt for online banking, a malicious person from that public place can seize your unencrypted data. You are warned to use encryption (software) with public Wi-Fi if you urgently need to use.

Protecting Your Business In 2018’s IT Landscape

Back in 1995, when Bill Gates set up Windows 95, there were very few IT applications and, according to, only 0.8 per cent of the world’s population had internet access at home. Therefore, the risk of cyber-attacks was relatively low.

Since then, the IT landscape has changed dramatically. It was estimated that in 2016, 46.1 per cent of the world’s population had internet access at home — a huge increase since 1995. A single device is now capable of processing an extraordinary number of applications and cloud technology means data can be easily shared between devices. These technological advancements have considerably increased the risk of cyber-attacks.
There are things that every business must do to protect its employees, customers and stakeholders from the potentially damaging effects of attacks such as the ransomware attack on the NHS.

Everybody Is A Security Officer

The task of ensuring cyber security in a business can no longer fall to one or two security officers. Everybody must have an awareness of the potential threats, how to protect against them and how to respond in the case of a security breach. The cyber-security of a business increases considerably if everybody takes simple but effective protective measures. These measures must include installing antivirus software, keeping all software updated, identifying suspicious popups and regularly changing passwords. Common sense is the first line of defence.

Comply With GDPR

In May 2018, the new general data protection regulations (GDPR) will enforce new mandatory requirements for businesses. In essence, you will need to know exactly where all data is stored, how it is held and how it can be accessed. By complying with these regulations, you will be helping to keep your business’s data and IT systems safe from cyber-crime.

Have A Strategy In Place

The key to dealing with cyber-crime is to protect, detect and respond. Once an attacker has access to data, it’s extremely difficult to retrieve it. Therefore, prevention is better than cure. Regardless of how well you protect your business, cyber-attacks may still occur, so everybody must know the signs. According to a 2017 cyber security breaches survey from the Government’s department for digital, culture, media and sport, 46 per cent of organisations had experienced a cyber-attack in the past twelve months. However, many others may have been attacked but did not realise.
To make sure you detect any cyber-attacks that you may fall victim to, look out for unusual password activity notifications, slow network speed and suspicious e-mails or popups — all of which could indicate a breach.
Businesses must also be prepared to respond to a cyber-attack. As of May 2018, the GDPR will state that a cyber breach must be reported in 72 hours. Failure to comply could result in a fine of up to €20 million or four per cent of your business’s global turnover. In addition to reporting the attack, the breach should be contained by shutting down all IT equipment and assess all systems that could have been compromised.
The May 2017 attack was the largest cyber-attack the NHS has ever fallen victim to. NHS England stated that no patient data was compromised and the staff response was commendable. However, this attack may potentially have been avoided if the NHS had been more diligent in its cyber protection measures.

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10 Essential Imaging Tools For Successful Bloggers

Blog posts with images get 94% more views, and visuals increase both the time spent on posts and social shares…
So why are so many bloggers resistant to tools for image creation and data visualization?
The main reason is that they don’t know where to start.
Imaging tools can seem overwhelming to bloggers, especially if your main art is content and writing. The good news is that they don’t have to be.
Here are 10 tools you can start using today to make your blog look better while increasing social engagement. To make this list, the apps needed to meet three key criteria. They had to be:
  • Easy to use
  • Free or offer a free trial
  • Useful to bloggers (duh)
From creating shareable, visually engaging blog post headers to making advanced visualizations that pull real-time data into the mix, you can try these tools in order or check them all out today in a flurry of imaging mania!

1. Pablo by Buffer

Buffer’s Pablo app might be the easiest imaging resource on the planet for bloggers. Plus, it actually lives up to Buffer’s claim that anyone can create engaging social media images in “less than 30 seconds”.
Yes, you read that right: seconds not minutes. Pablo is ideal for creating attractive blog header images with the title of your blog post or a quote from the post.
The app lets you add text to an image, style it, and share or download the finished image immediately. There isn’t even a sign-in process (Pablo can link to your Buffer social account, but you can also just open Pablo, add text to an image and download it in just the right size for your blog or specific social accounts).
Pro Tip: When searching through stock images, use keywords related to the type of image you want to find, eg. “city” or “office”, rather than always sticking to keywords about the type of product you’re promoting. You can also upload images for consistency with your brand or blog design.

2. Canva

Canva is simple but amazingly powerful. The Webby-winning image design app lets you create any type of blog image and adjust design elements using a clean, responsive interface. The resulting images look so professional that you’d never know they came from a drag-and-drop web interface.
Once you get some experience using Canva for blog headers and illustrations, you can start using the free app to create other types of content like posters and infographics. You might even discover an inner designer lurking behind your blogger personality.
3. Placeit

Writing a blog post about a new mobile app and want a blog image that will stand out and get more social activity? Cue Placeit, a totally free online design app for iphone mockups and demo videos.
Placeit’s streamlined technology lets you upload images or even record your screen and then place that video on an image. You can add your mockup images to a wide range of tech products, including smart watches and Kindles.

4. is an even simpler way to get mobile images for your blog. It’s designed to let you test websites on smartphones and tablets (by the way, have you tested your blog lately?), but many bloggers find it useful when writing about mobile apps or wanting to illustrate a point about customer experience, blogging or social media, since basically everybody these days uses their mobile devices to connect with brands.

For example, when my client Agile CRM was working on a new set of Getting Started Guides, we needed a main blog post image that demonstrated the usefulness of those guides to customers. After a lot of iterations, we ended up using to create a mockup of how the new guides would look on a smartphone, and this image helped the post about Getting Started with Marketing Automation get more traction than our previous posts about marketing automation.

5. Twitter Collages

Many bloggers focus on using Click-to-Tweet content in their blog posts – in other words, new content for their readers to share on Twitter — but why not use Twitter’s image features to enhance your blog posts and get more likes and shares on content you’ve already put out to the world?
While Twitter collages may sound like just another feature for use on Twitter itself, they can be a powerful addition to blog posts. Make a collage, then take a screenshot or embed the tweet directly in your blog post.


Infographics can represent visually what it would otherwise take an entire blog post to cover. is a useful site for quickly creating shareable infographics using data or content touchpoints that you’re highlighting in a blog post.’s infographic editor works directly in your browser. While you can upgrade to a Pro account for more templates, most bloggers find that the basic templates are more than enough. Plus, the constraints can be helpful in getting things done quickly.
Pro Tip: Remember to list your blog name and URL on the infographic in case the graphic ends up getting traction on social and loses the context of the original post.

7. Venngage

Venngage is a top-of-the-line infographic-making app with some of the most attractive templates in the graphic design universe. For design-dummies like me, it’s been an essential resource.
I recommend starting with the free version of Venngage.
Then later, if you’re working on a guest blog post for a bigger brand or starting a blog campaign that needs higher social media marketing results, upgrade to a paid plan that eliminates their branding from the infographics you create.

8. Google Charts

If you’re comfortable using Javascript, Google Charts are a solid choice for blog images based on real-time data.
Bubble charts, scatter charts, mind maps, histograms… the sky’s the limit! Plus, images made with Google Charts are compatible across browsers and include three years’ backward compatibility.


If you’re looking for a way to make your blog charts pop, check out It’s advanced technology, but they’re built-in templates to make the creation process simple.
The coolest thing about is how you can incorporate real-time data into the visualizations. For example, you can create a chart with survey results and then connect a live data source so that when you embed the chart on your blog, it will always show real-time results.
Want to learn more about visualization? Nathan Yau’s site and blog, FlowingData, is a great place to start.

10. Tableau

Ah, Tableau. Basically Tableau is a way to organize and visualize your data, but it’s actually much more than that.
The great thing for bloggers is that if you learn how to use Tableau, you can get a much clearer view of business data for your site or company while also taking your content governance and analytics to the next level AND creating visually stunning charts, graphs and maps.
Tableau is especially recommended for business bloggers or content marketers who are serious about sharing useful blog posts with their audience, based on real data.
Pro Tip: The most effective bloggers and social media marketers know when to use imaging tools to create shareable content and when it’s more beneficial to just use them for mockups that will help designers. Don’t have an in-house designer? Check out Visually, where you can connect with over 1,000 hand-picked designers to get visual content for social media marketing campaigns.

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This $150 Chinese Phone Has Face Unlock, Slim Bezels, And Extra Large Battery


LG's recent bowing out of the smartphone rat race -- the South Korean tech giant announced at CES it will stop releasing phones at a set annual cycle -- is another step in confirming a reality that I had predicted last year: We are heading towards a market with only "premium" (aka expensive) top-notch phones (that would be phones from Apple, Samsung and Huawei, all three of which have no chill when it comes to jacking up prices year after year) and cheap-ish budget Chinese phones, with few options in between. For established "name" brands like LG, Sony, HTC, Blackberry, etc, they simply have had trouble competing with Apple and Samsung at the top. A small part of that is due to their products being inferior, but mostly it's because of the mainstream perception that only iPhones and Galaxies are worth buying for those with the cash to spare (mainstream tech media lazily crediting only Apple and Samsung for industry trends they didn't even start doesn't help). Fighting this perception is a battle that even deep-pocketed Huawei struggles with: after I named the Huawei Mate 10 Pro as my favorite phone of the year, a couple of Hong Kong media reached out asking me why I'd pick Huawei over the iPhone X, as if an Apple product not topping the list is some sort of upset. So the likes of LG and HTCs will never be able to compete with iPhones and Samsungs in the minds of biased consumers. But they can't even appeal to the majority who can't afford Apple/Samsungs because there has been a flood of obscure Chinese brands pumping out decent phones at jaw-droppingly low prices. Case in point, the UmiDigi S2 Lite. I've been testing this phone for a couple of days, and I'm amazed that it only sells for $150, with regular "flash sales" that chops another $10-$20 off the price tag. The S2 Lite is not a powerful phone by any stretch -- it runs the mid-tier MT6750T chipset from mid-tier SoC specialist MediaTek -- but so far it's handled all my usual smartphone tasks without issues, including playing graphic-intensive game Breakneck.

The camera is also firmly in budget phone range, but other than that, the phone looks and feels great. It's got an 18:9 aspect ratio, a display with rounded corners, a full metal build, and it offers facial recognition for unlocking the phone. Now, this isn't the really secure 3D face unlock like on the iPhone X that uses a bunch of sensors, instead it's the less secure 2D face recognition using the phone's selfie camera (like the OnePlus 5T). But I tried tricking it with a life-sized photo of my face and couldn't get it to bite. Check out the video below showing it in action.
It takes about a second and half to unlock the S2 Lite with my face, which is significantly slower than the OnePlus 5T, but that phone is a few hundred dollars more expensive too. There is also a fingerprint reader, and unlike the Doogee Mix 2, which forces you to choose between face unlock or fingerprint, the S2 Lite supports both identity authentication methods at the same time.


Don't expect much from this camera. Photos are fine if you have time to focus and have good lighting. Otherwise, if your hands are shaky, or if you're shooting at night, images will come out blurry and/or noisy. But again, this thing is $150, what can you expect? There's one more major highlight to his phone: it has a 5,100 mAh battery, in a body that's about the same thickness as the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. This is some impressive engineering. Which brings me to my last tangent: why is it always obscure Chinese companies that are willing to push the envelope with battery sizes? Why are the mainstream companies always settling for the 3,000s in battery size when Shenzhen brands can give us 4,000 or 5,000? I haven't seen or heard of any reports of these phones catching fire, so it's not like they're safety hazards. This is perhaps the smartphone landscape going forward. We'll continue get awesome phones from Huawei, Samsung, and Apple every year that will cost $1,000, and on the other end we'll get phones that look pretty good will mostly get the job done (except photography) at 1/5th the price. Good luck to the Sonys and HTCs of the world trying to sell us phones for $700.

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